Monday, August 31, 2015

Cereal box minion cum Card Holder!

This is a new addition to my thrifty art.
I used a empty cereal box(cornflakes) to make a colorful minion.
This box was sitting beside my dustbin for day or two when i got an idea. So its really best out of waste.
It can be used as a greeting card holder or any kind of light weight document or envelope.
I used acrylic paint for bright colors.
Jar lids has been used for making big,bulging eyes.
I have also glued a piece of cardboard at the bottom to give it an extra strength.
Hope everybody enjoyed making of a minion!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Charming kid's banner

I painted this cute little airplane and attached a flyer with it.And the name goes on the flyer with tiny clouds peeping out here and there.

Isn't it wonderful !

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Colorful Creation -recycled pen stand!

As I told earlier that I have been searching every nook and corner of my house for trash. Trash that can be used for something better rather than discarding.

So I found this chewed up sippy cup which I turned into a pen stand.
My son who is two and half years old and has mouth full of teeth loves chewing up silicone spouts,so i always prefer hard ones.

In order to make this vibrant pen stand-
 I started wrapping some colorful floss around it as i was doing cross stitching lately ,so have ample floss stock.
And yes I used some adhesive to stick the floss to the cup.And then i painted the top and the bottom of the sipper.It is pretty easy and forgiving craft.

So go for it !

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Glass Bottle Painting.

For last few months I am focusing on recycling art. So this time I painted a glass bottle with bright acrylic paint.

This is my first time using acrylic on glass,so I have drawn a simple floral design. Hope you all like it.

It can be used as a flower vase.